Streptopelia turtur  (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Chordata / Aves / Columbiformes / Columbidae
Turtle Dove, European Turtle Dove     Gamiema
Further Information:
It is a migratory species with a southern Palearctic range, including Turkey and north Africa, although it is rare in northern Scandinavia and Russia. It winters in southern Africa. It migrates regularly over Malta in Autimn and Spring and is one of the few species of Birds that is not protected by law and can be hunted in Autumn (and in the recent past also in Spring).

According to the State of Europe's Common Birds 2007 report, the European Turtle Dove population in Europe has fallen by 62% in recentely. This is partly because changed farming practices mean that the weed seeds and shoots on which it feeds, especially Fumitory (Fumaria,/i> sp.), are more scarce, and partly due to shooting of birds in Mediterranean countries during their migration. The large population of this species in Asia stops it from being listed as an endangered species by IUCN.

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